Sunday, April 10, 2011

Witch concept


  1. Surprising transformation, April. Complete change of coloration. Didn't expect that.... It Works!

  2. Wow, this is terrific. It now walks that line between creepy and appealing that I think is appropriate for the character. The audience has to believe that Hansel and Gretel find the witch trustworthy, at least for a short while, and I think you arrived at a good place with this version. I wasn't expecting the frilly dress, but its a great addition.

  3. By the way, its very nicely painted, as well.

  4. Thank you kindly! Yes, the frilly dress/sleeping gown may or may not be entirely appropriate, but I figured since she is an "old woman" it wouldn't be a bad thing for her. I did consider, however, giving her a garb that was made from the skins of other creatures she's eaten... but that could be too gruesome for this story.
