Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I need help with the background color...


  1. Large signs: As discussed in class, large signs are not necessary, and images on bottom should be switched. Include info inside images, or in small type under images.

    References: Good work on references... much clearer.

    Bottom 2 images: Should these be in chronological order?

    Background: You know, the background does not bother me at all. it has a military sort of symbolism, and the Cold War going on at this time had that kind of feeling.

    Title: The title of the movie you are doing the art direction for might include something about spying? Instead of X and Y, it could be X and Y in ?????? (Team Dinerpocalypse ended up with Hansel and Gretel in Dinerpocalypse in a 50s Horror font.)

    Design: Wish you had one more rectangle. Maybe you could and info about the character design. You said a lot more in your presentation about them (what they were doing in action pose, things about them). If you put Spy on top right directly above the two other ones, you could write that Character Design in the information rectangly you put to the left of Spy. You might even include info about the settings on the bottom too, if that made sense. Just some thoughts. You are so close......

  2. I'm okay with the background color too. If it were me, I might try desaturating it just a little, but that's all.
