Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Final Project Reference Photos

I decided that if my smallest dog ever ran away, a group of misguided squirrels would probably take her in as their queen.

I'd like to convey the same irreverent humor as this painting. I like the style as well.

Her highness, the Queen. I don't know if I should give her a dignified facial expression, or the dumber-than-rocks smile she has most of the time.

Her palace:

And squirrel references.
My Favorite


  1. I love the reference picture of the cat. I can't stop smiling at it. hahaha

  2. It is a bit in spirit with the Disney table-top items you painted. Completely wacko.... Can't wait.

  3. I love this idea, and I've had both Poms and a squirrel as a pet, so I'm looking forward to seeing your painting. Who painted the cat picture?
