Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Remaining Schedule

W 4/20  Today!  Post work in progress to blog.  Mini-crit.  Ad for Spring Show?

M 4/25  Final:  Work Day
              Individual Semester Reviews

W 4/27  Final:  Preliminary Crit
              Individual Semester Reviews continued

M 5/2    Final:  DUE! Finished; Printed; Crit. 
             (Can reprint for show.)

W 5/4    SPRING SHOW:  9:30 am, hang work (help if you can); 
              5 pm, art party; 6 pm, animation show

F  5/6    VIZAGOGO (and Sat too)

M 5/9    Spring Show:  Remove work (I will put in my office.  Help if you can.)

T  5/10  10 am - 1 pm:  drop off disk of work at Saslow office:  Rm 132 Langford A 
              PSD high res, all work.  If you have in layers, that would be good too.   

SENIORS:  Sign up for VIZ exit interview with me:  
              T 5/10, 10 am - 1 pm; W 5/11, all day