Thursday, March 10, 2011

Seniors: Blue Sky is interviewing here 3/29 & 3/30: Sign Up Sheet is available NOW.

Interview season is upon us.

Consider spending time (Spring Break?) 
to get work together for people coming here this spring to interview,  
and for applying to other opportunities that come up.
Even if you don't get the job, the feedback on your reel is priceless.

The sign up sheet is on the front desk now, today.

Blue Sky will be interviewing for all areas. Check their website,

So, have your demo reels, resumes and cover letter ready!

(If you need help with demo reel, resume or cover letter, please email me.
I am in my office M and W from 12 to 4 usually: email first to set up time.)
Sky Studios Reps are:
Debra Blanchard, Director of Studio Recruiting
Renato Falcao, Director of Photography

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