Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Hansel and Gretel Project: Character Design References

For each character, you will need to draw/paint:
     * Character Sheet with front, 3/4, and side views drawn together
     * One action drawing
The drawings must be based on geometric forms and appear 3D.
You may annotate them with Art Direction comments.

These references will guide you.

3D Character Design
1)  Cartoon Animation, Preston Blair

     pp. 10-11, 12-13, 40-41, 74-75, 90-91, 96-97, 160-163, 212-213
     Toon Institute  ->  Lessons  ->  Animation -> Character Model Sheets
3)  Creating Characters with Personality, Tom Bancroft
     pp. 14-21, 28-43 (particularly 30-31), 57, 118-119, 136-137,

Readings from our Textbook DPT 
These emphasize painting of characters after they are designed
     Creatures:              Creature Concept Design 101, p. 100, Design process                       
    Complete Projects: The Making of Funfair,  p. 226, Strong, graphic image

     Sci-fi & Fantasy:     Sci-fi Knight, p. 198, Painterly technique

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