Monday, March 21, 2011

Hansel and Gretel Project: Assignment

Michelle writes:

The elements for the Hansel and Gretel project:

1.  Research and Influences
     A page of artists or films that you find inspirational in developing your concept

2.  Color Script and Intensity chart
     Divide your story into manageable sections... most of the sample intensity charts had 8 to 10 points along the graph.
       Make a color script of tiny abstract images that represent their color story and communicate the emotional arc of the intensity chart.  This can be made of images grabbed from the internet, just make sure to run a filter of some kind on them, so we don't focus on the image content.

3.   Character Designs for Hansel, Gretel, and the Witch

4.   Environment design for the gingerbread house and woods (or whatever is equivalent in their version of the story)

Optional:  Color Key(s), additional environments, character design for the Father

This is Mary here:  I would add a Style Guide as in your handout.  This should be incorporated into the Character Design drawings, and into the Environmental design for the Environment design for the gingerbread house and woods, or equivalent.  Please put on the periphery or within the illustration, so an observer can tell what design principles are at work.  Please refer to handout.

Due Monday April 4th.  All printed out.  Class presentation by each group.  We will discuss.

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