Monday, February 14, 2011

self portrait numero dos

here's my final portrait ^^ I was inspired by the dramatic lighting in my reference photo and really tried to emphasize it. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.

My process was fairly simple- I just blended, and blended, and blended some more with a reduced-opacity brush. I got into the groove with a regular old circular-shaped brush and couldn't really find a reason to switch it up. I worked in sections, completing the purple tank top and jeans first, then the cardigan, then my hands, and finally my face and hair. I'm not in love with the hair, and will probably try to make an extra effort on hair for my next painting.

Below is an in-prog image, showing the colors and basic shading roughed out.


  1. Nice! They are BOTH good. However, the tip of your nose in the final one seems divided? Check on it.

  2. I thought I saw that you had fixed the nose. Can you please post that one?
