Monday, February 28, 2011

1 comment:

  1. Nice beginnings, but I don't know where to look. The brightest contrast is at light in upper center, but I don't know why I am looking there. Then I look left and right to windows, but the story ends. Area behid light is congested and blocked. Maybe I climbed up the sweeping angled walkway on the left and wanted to keep going. But where am I going? Also need more separation of layers from foreground to background. With texture gradient? warm/cool contrast? Broken color? You have some interesting little houses here and there. Maybe those are where people want to go? Maybe clouds at base can be more different fromt he rest? Cooler? Warmer? Lighter? Softer? Should we feel safety? Danger? I have three ways in but then I don't know where to go :-)
