Monday, February 28, 2011

concept art in prog

So I somehow ended up with the most obnoxiously idyllic scene ever. Not done, it still needs stuff- for example, an interesting subject. There's also some texture mismatch with the grass, and the mountains need work (did those first, you can tell). But yeah.. I don't hate it, but I don't love it.

I basically photochopped together a bunch of my own photos from various places (Alaska, Switzerland, Colorado) and started with a quick trace/sketch as seen below. Then I painted awayyy. Painting a huge scene kinda stressed me out, because there was so much to worry about. I'm way more comfortable with still lifes and portraits.. need moar landscape practice.

1 comment:

  1. I sympathize. It happens. The quick sketch is very fresh. The final is a bit mechanical, a bit assembled from similar components it seems, rather than being painted. Why not put a layer over it and just paintint in one layer as a painting -- like the first one -- but without the lines. Could use some broken color and atmospheric perspective too. Oh well. As I said, it happens....
