Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My Nightmare

First, a little background...

At first I wanted to create an environment involving different forms of theatrical styles, but last night I had this crazy nightmare that I woke up from at 4am this morning. As I couldn't fall asleep, I decided to paint this as my speed painting instead. It involved all of these crazy glowing hands of different colors dragging me down while another version of me was trying to save the version in distress from getting taken away... (Honestly.... I have no idea where this dream came from, there may be something wrong with me.)

First I used photobooth on my mac to take some reference shots in my bedroom...

Then quickly, I blocked in the shapes and forms. I also made a custom brush just for this speed painting of hands reaching up to quickly get the point of the substantial amount of hands coming to get me. This saved me a ton of time so I didn't have to draw each hand individually..

Then after about an hour or so of working on it, I figured this was pretty close to what I had witnessed in my dream. So I had to stop to get ready for class this morning.

So, there you have it.... My speed painting of a weird and crazy dream I had last night. :-)


1 comment:

  1. Good. Artists use what comes their way – including dreams/nightmares. Speedy creating of three characters + many more. Zig-zags across the ground plane crete depth. Nice light, and then dark in the distance. Nice color on the hands: so strange: they look like a flower garden at first.... I think both Kevans will be OK. Not a therapist. Don't know what the dream means. But, sometimes this means that a part of your being is being ignored, and seeks recognition. Or maybe you just ate something too spicy ;-)
