Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Prelim Critique.... Version2

On this prelim version I have worked on clearing up some details here and there, Such as making certain parts more 3 dimensional while sticking to the color scheme.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kevan, Any way to make the clenched fist more readable as a hand, and his arm more readable as an arm? Hand can be read as a sortof big lump of an earring. No, you don't want to hear that ;-) By upping the contrast on the clenched fist, it seems to become even more a part of the figure behind it. Can you pull the blue figure into a layer in front of the other figure layer? The blue arm and the other guy's arm are continuous in red through purple to blue gradient from one arm raised down through the other one. See? How to get them separated and more readable?
