Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Self Portrait

This was my first attempt at a portrait, I used a picture for reference in order to get the proportions between the eyes, nose and mouth correct. I was in a fairly lit in the picture so there is only a little shadowing. I took free handed the hair style using one of the brushes we created in the previous assignment. I was able to get a good blending of colors by putting them on separate layers, and then messing with the opacity. I love how it turned out!


  1. Nice work. Nice proportion, simplification that works, and hair texture. Try the mirror next time :-)

  2. Per our discussion, you should redo this using a mirror. That is really what the problem was all about: painting/drawing something in 2d by looking at something that is 3D - ie the real thing. This is excellent eye training -- something you don't want to miss! Go for it. There are mirrors in the Mac Lab, right above my books. Good luck.
