Wednesday, January 26, 2011

self portrait, illustrative style

^^ Here is my first self portrait image. I started with a sketch and then outlined it, as you can see below. The outline had a nice illustration/cartoon pen and ink quality, so I decided to run with it. I tried to make the shading mimic an ink wash, using the bleedy-watercolory brush that I created for our first assignment. I think the jpeg compression killed the effect a little bit, but the printout looks better.

The image below is my first attempt that I created over the weekend. As you can clearly see, it looks nothing like me. As I was drawing, I was increasingly distressed by the non-resemblance (and I was indeed drawing from a mirror), so I ended up with this picture of a random worried-looking girl. However, I'm somewhat happy with the chalk pastel effect that I got with my homemade brush, so I decided to share it:

1 comment:

  1. Good process of experimentation. I would not completely reject the first one: there is a lot of promise here, in creating 3D form. Getting a likeness is hard. Getting a 3D form is worth the effort, even without a likeness. So a worthy effort after all :-)
