Thursday, January 27, 2011

Photoshop CS4 Tutorials due Monday, 1/31

Hello All,

This is a repetition of assignment given to you in class.

List of tutorials is at

Assignments for Monday, 1/31

1)  All watch Getting Started 01-11,  Introducing Photoshop CS4, & Using Kuler Color Themes.
     Be sure you understand these basics.

2)  Please give a DEMO to the class using PS on the Mac in the front of the classroom, 
     or prepare a POWERPOINT explaining what you learned (or any combination of these).
     Note: to make screen capture of images from video use command shift 4.  Very cool.
    [Note change:  you can demo and/or prepare a Powerpoint.  Thought that would help.]

    You have chosen a tutorial in class, and that list is below.

    If your name is not on this list, choose any tutorial you like.  
    If someone else is also doing that one, communicate with them 
    on how you want to divide up the discussion. 

Please see list of choices below.


Using Effects... D. Burgett
Converting... Meredith
Making Local... Tiffany
Using OpenGL... Jessica
Making Color... Jason
Using Advanced... Sarah  (Tiffany is listed here also...)
Making Adjustments  Catherine, Lisa
Rotoscoping... Travis, Trisha, Sarah
Using Kuler...Allison, Phuong (I think is listed here?)
Using Connctnow... Kevan
Using 3D object... April
Using PS with Premiere Pro  Matthew
Photoshop and Flash(?)  Sam Smith, Jacob Zimmer

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